Monsoon driving and maintenance tips for cars and SUVs

As the monsoon season approaches, it’s important to prepare your vehicle for the challenges that come with rainy weather. Here are some essential tips to help you safely navigate the monsoon season:

1. Switch off cruise control: While cruise control can be useful in dry conditions, it’s best to keep it turned off during the monsoons. Manual control of the throttle and brakes allows you to better anticipate changing water conditions on the road.

2. Avoid using hazard lights while in motion: Hazard lights should only be used when your vehicle is stationary to alert other drivers of a hazard. Use your headlights, taillights, or fog lights instead to ensure visibility during heavy rains.

3. Slow down for puddles: Puddles can hide potholes and destabilize your vehicle if taken at high speeds. Drive cautiously and slow down when approaching puddles to avoid accidents and splashing other motorists.

4. Maintain a safer distance: Increased reaction times and stopping distances in rainy conditions require drivers to maintain a longer distance from the vehicle ahead. This allows for safer braking and maneuvering.

5. Drive at a steady pace through waterlogged areas: Before driving through flooded roads, assess the depth of the water and maintain a steady momentum to avoid stalling. Avoid driving in water above the centre line of your wheels and avoid areas with water flow or current.

6. Tips for driving EVs in the monsoons: EVs are equipped to handle wet conditions, but it’s important to drive carefully through waterlogged areas. Be gentle with your inputs due to limited traction and ensure proper charging in shaded areas to prevent water seepage.

7. Dry your brakes after waterlogging: Pump your brakes to clear out any water that may have entered the braking system, especially on cars with drum brakes. Dabbing your brakes periodically while driving can also help dry out pads and discs.

8. Don’t panic if stranded in a waterlogged area: In case of stalling, avoid restarting your vehicle immediately as it may cause engine damage. Try to push the car to a dry area and seek help. Stay calm and use alternative methods to escape if doors get jammed.

9. Pre-monsoon service: Prior to the monsoon season, ensure your vehicle is serviced to check tyre tread, brake condition, wiper blades, lights, and battery. Having over half a tank of fuel, water, and emergency snacks in your car is recommended for potential emergencies.

By following these tips and preparing your vehicle adequately, you can safely navigate the challenges of the monsoon season. Stay vigilant, drive cautiously, and prioritize safety on the road.

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