Russian influencer sentenced to eight years imprisonment for starving his one month old son to death: A Shocking and Unforgettable Tale

Maxim Lyutyi, the convict in question, believed exposing his son to sunlight will grant him superhuman abilities

A Russian influencer known as Maxim Lyutyi received an eight-year prison sentence for causing the death of his one-month-old son by withholding food. The baby passed away due to malnutrition and starvation, as the father believed that exposing him to sunlight would give him extraordinary powers.

According to a report from Metro, the baby was born at home because Lyutyi refused to take his wife to a hospital for childbirth. The cousin of the wife, Oksana Mironova, named Olesya Nikolayeva, stated, “He made her stop feeding the baby. Her partner thought that sunlight was enough to nourish the baby.”

Nikolayeva added, “Oksana tried to breastfeed the baby in secret, but she was very scared of Maxim. How can a baby thrive on sunlight alone? A baby requires his mother’s milk.”

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