Most common cancers in men: 8 lifestyle and fitness tips to reduce risk | Health.

According to recent data, the incidence of cancer is steadily increasing among both men and women. Surprisingly, cases of cancer are now being diagnosed in younger and fitter individuals, challenging the traditional belief that only older individuals are at risk. For example, colon and rectum cancers are increasingly being diagnosed in individuals in their second and third decades of life.

In an interview with Lifestyle, Dr. Aman Rastogi, a Surgical Oncologist, highlighted the alarming statistics of cancer incidence in India. Out of 730,746,615 males in the country, 691,178 had new cases of cancer in the past year alone. The most common types of cancer in men include oral cavity cancer, lung cancer, esophagus cancer, colorectal cancer, and stomach cancer. These statistics underscore the importance of understanding and addressing the risk factors associated with cancer.

Dr. Rastogi emphasized the importance of preventive measures in combating cancer. These measures include quitting tobacco in all forms, getting HPV vaccines to prevent HPV-associated oral cancers, abstaining from alcohol, avoiding injuries that can lead to tongue injuries, and ensuring proper dental care. Additionally, he stressed the importance of early detection through regular screenings and adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes daily physical activity and a balanced diet.

Cancer is a serious health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, approximately one in five individuals will experience cancer in their lifetime. To tackle this growing issue, Dr. Ashish Gupta, a Medical Oncologist, provided insights into some of the most common types of cancer in men and strategies to reduce the risk:

1. Prostate Cancer: Regular prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing is recommended for men over 45 to detect prostate cancer early.
2. Lung Cancer: Quitting smoking, avoiding secondhand smoke, and environmental pollutants can lower the risk of lung cancer.
3. Colorectal Cancer: Routine screening with colonoscopy is crucial for early detection of colorectal cancer.
4. Testicular Cancer: Regular self-examination of the testicles can aid in early detection of testicular cancer.
5. Bladder Cancer: Quitting smoking and staying hydrated can help reduce the risk of bladder cancer.
6. Skin Cancer: Following sun safety precautions such as wearing sunscreen and protective clothing can prevent skin cancer.

In addition to these specific tips, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and staying active are crucial in reducing the risk of cancer. Regular screenings, awareness of family history, and early detection are key components in the fight against cancer.

By being proactive about their health and making informed choices, men can empower themselves to lead healthier lives and reduce their risk of cancer. Embracing a preventive approach to health can significantly improve overall well-being and longevity.

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