US Senate to Vote on Shocking Ban of TikTok: Will Video Sharing Platform Be Banned Soon?

The bill that would effectively ban TikTok and any other app that may be deemed to be under the control of an enemy state may finally get banned in the US as early as next week

The bill that could potentially result in the banning of TikTok in the United States appears to be gaining significant traction toward becoming law.

Although it initially flew through the House of Representatives with no real difficulty, pundits were always of the assumption that the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act would eventually encounter some obstacles and some opposition in the Senate from a few influential lawmakers.

However, momentum for the legislation is once again on the rise, mainly because of an increase in anti-China and anti-Russian sentiment.

The House is scheduled to vote on a package of bills this weekend, which includes a slightly revised version of the TikTok bill. In this updated version, ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, would be given a period of up to 12 months to divest from TikTok, an extension from the original six-month timeframe.

This alteration proved crucial in garnering support from previously sceptical Senate members, including Senator Maria Cantwell, who chairs the Senate Commerce Committee.

With the House expected to pass the revised bill as part of a larger package that includes aid to Ukraine and Israel, the bill’s path forward appears to be gaining certainty, with a Senate vote anticipated as early as next week”, according to NBC. President Joe Biden has expressed his intention to sign the bill into law if approved by Congress.

If enacted, the legislation would lead to the banning of TikTok and potentially other apps that are deemed to be under the control or influence of foreign adversaries. The US believes that such apps pose a major challenge for the US’ national security.

TikTok CEO Shou Chew has hinted at the possibility of the company challenging the law through legal means.

TikTok, in a statement, expressed disappointment with the House’s decision to include the ban bill within a broader legislative package, emphasizing the potential negative impact on millions of Americans’ free speech rights, businesses, and the economy.

Despite TikTok’s objections, the bill appears to be on track for advancement, signalling significant implications for the future of the popular social media platform in the United States.

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