Elon Musk Vows to Ban Apple Products from his Offices Over OpenAI’s ‘Creepy Spyware’ Collaboration

While the way Musk is describing OpenAI’s involvement with Apple would suggest deep integration within its operating systems, Apple’s own description of its ChatGPT usage seems to involve user-initiated queries rather than a full OS-level integration
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Elon Musk has issued a warning against Apple products in his offices and even prohibited his employees from owning Apple devices. This comes after Apple’s announcement that iPhone users will soon be able to ask ChatGPT questions through Siri, Apple’s voice assistant.

This move underscores Musk’s ongoing rivalry with the tech giant and highlights his concerns regarding security and data privacy.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Musk stated, “If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies. That is an unacceptable security violation.”

Musk’s statement reflects his unease about Apple’s utilization of ChatGPT, though the specifics of what he means by “integrates at the OS level” are yet unclear.

Apple has stressed the privacy and security measures surrounding its AI services, offering a prominent dialogue box that allows users to decide if they want their queries sent to ChatGPT. This feature is intended to uphold user control and transparency, addressing potential privacy worries.

Musk’s threat doesn’t come as a total surprise, given his history of bold statements and actions. As one of the wealthiest individuals globally, he has the financial ability to act on his impulses, even if he doesn’t always follow through on his declarations and warnings. This latest proclamation adds another layer to his ongoing feud with Apple, reignited last year when Apple halted advertising on X after Musk supported an antisemitic post.

Musk’s objections to Apple go beyond privacy and security concerns. He has criticized Apple for depending on OpenAI instead of developing its own AI, labeling it “patently absurd” and indicating that Apple loses control over data when surrendered to OpenAI. These remarks come as Musk himself has made significant investments in the AI industry, raising $6 billion for his AI firm, xAI, to compete with OpenAI, Apple, and other AI providers.

The implications of Musk’s threat to prohibit Apple products from his companies are substantial. He also intends to enforce the same rule on visitors to his offices, who will need to leave their Apple devices at the entrance, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage. This extreme measure underscores Musk’s grave concerns about data security and his dedication to protecting proprietary information.

As Apple continues to advance its AI ventures, the rivalry between Musk and the iPhone maker is likely to intensify, possibly leading to more public disputes and strategic moves in the AI and tech sectors.

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